Check the availability of a company name

Enter a company name and check its availability with Zefix (commercial register), Swissreg (trademark) and NIC (domain name).

INFORMATION: This tool should be used for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal or business advice. NewCo assu... Show more

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"NewCo made setting up a business simple and efficient. They responded quickly to my questions by phone or email. I highly recommend them."
Alexa Sigmond
Alexentiel LLC
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"NewCo offers effective, travel-free notary services at competitive prices and of excellent quality. Highly recommended."
Anaïs Thomé
ExAct Voyages LLC
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"NewCo provided us with effective guidance in setting up our business. Quality service at a good price for new entrepreneurs."
Stéphanie Jacot
Fair & Square LLC

Form your company with NewCo

The easiest and fastest way to form a company in Switzerland.